What makes Baltic Amber so special?

Baltic Amber is the only warm stone that has gathered its power from water, sun, earth, and air, all these things give an extraordinary beauty to the stone and strengthens its healing properties.

Baltic Amber might be also called ‘The gold of the North’ or ‘The Sun’s stone’ and is exceptional type of Baltic Sea amber in the Baltic Sea region.

Baltic amber color varies from very light-milky yellow to dark, almost black brown and the natural form of each stone is very individual and unique.

Baltic Amber is a fossil resin of coniferous trees that formed 50 million years ago and makes up over 80% of the world’s amber.

Baltic amber can be found not only in the Baltic Sea, but also is mined in Jantarna, Kaliningrad.

Baltic amber benefits and healing properties

Baltic Amber is not only well-known because of its healing and therapeutic properties, but is also effective and safe for you, and our planet and is used from the ancient times to this day.

Some details about this wonderful stone:

Baltic amber is an organic mineral consisting of 79% C carbon, 10.5% O oxygen, and 10.5% H hydrogen.

It contains from 3 to 8% succinic acid, which is highly valued in medicine and is known for its healing and pain relief features.

Also amber dust is used in cosmetic mineral foundation powder production.

Baltic amber bracelets can be used in treating arthritis, joints pain, it also might help with teething pain for the babies. Amber stone has also been recognized because of its calming therapeutic benefits for babies and adults, Baltic amber can help to combat stress, anxiety, fatigue and even depression.

Discover our collection of genuine Baltic Amber jewelry.

Below you will find many more interesting facts about Baltic amber and its properties. 

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