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Amber bracelets for adults

Amber bracelets are one of the most common choices in an amber jewelry collection as they not only look nice and unique, but they also have some healing properties too.

This piece of jewelry is especially easy to match with any outfit, it subtly complements the dress code. In terms of its positive properties for human health and well-being, it is important to mention that amber stones can help with asthma, acne, and eczema, also help with rheumatism, activate blood circulation and strengthen the immune system. Read more

 6,80 ( 5,80 by 100)
 6,80 ( 5,80 by 100)
 6,80 ( 5,80 by 100)
 6,80 ( 5,80 by 100)
 6,80 ( 5,80 by 100)
 6,80 ( 5,80 by 100)
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 3,90 ( 3,10 by 100)
 3,90 ( 3,10 by 100)
 3,90 ( 3,10 by 100)
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 3,90 ( 3,10 by 100)
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